Salt cave
NG Wellness System salt cave is the most innovative and original treatment available, based on the use of active ingredients from the Dead Sea salt, which have prophylactic, healing, and relaxing properties.
An unusual microclimate in the cave is characterized by an exceptional bacteriological cleanliness, proper humidity, and optimal temperature. It positively affects the well-being of both adults and children. The air inside apart from being negatively ionized, is saturated with particles of iodine, magnesium, calcium, potassium, sodium, and bromine, which are indispensable to proper body functioning.
Color therapy in a salt cave
NG Wellness System salt cave is fitted with heat lamps emitting light in five different colors (blue, yellow, red, orange, and green), which all have a positive impact on our organism:
- red - boosts metabolism, purifies blood, improves the efficiency of the digestive system, lowers both mental and physical exhaustion, increases overall energy level
- orange - cleans the skin, reduces the visibility of wrinkles, lifts the mood, and helps you fall asleep
- green - calms down while at the same time increasing the overall energy level, eliminates exhaustion, especially recommended for people suffering from hypertension. Especially effective to enhance treatment of various types of cancer
- blue - relaxes, calms down, eases muscle tensions, makes it easier to fall asleep – especially recommended for migraine sufferers
- yellow - lifts the mood , it has been used since ancient times to treat digestive system-related problems (diarrhea, vomiting).
During the salt cave sessions our guests lie comfortably in deck chair accompanied by atmospheric music helping them to relax.
Improving health and well-being is noticeable after a couple of treatments. It is said that an hour in the cave filled with the Dead Sea salt provides the organism with the same amount of microelements as a 3-day stay at the seaside.
Clinical tests have proved that minerals contained in Dead Sea salt ensure long lasting skin moisturizing, have a positive impact on blood vessels, as well as boost the overall functioning of the organism.
Salt cave sessions are efficient in treating:
- respiratory diseases (chronic rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, and pneumoconiosis)
- hypothyroidism and metabolic disorders
- cardiovascular diseases (circulatory insufficiency, imminent myocardial infarction, hypertension)
- dermatological problems (psoriasis, skin inflammations)
- vegetative nervous system dysfunctions (neurosis, chronic exhaustion, low stress resistance)
- peptic and duodenum ulceration, gastroenteritis.
Regular visits in the salt cave:
- stimulate circulation, properly oxidize the skin, and provide it with key nutrients
- improve the condition of elastin and collagen fibers
- strengthen and tighten the skin
- cleanse the skin, lower the intensity of irritations, and improve its ability to remove toxins.
Contraindications relating to use:
- hyperthyroidism
- kidney diseases
- uberculosis
- claustrophobia.